An Alfa Romeo is normally a choice made with the heart, not with reason. This theme was also used in an old Alfa Romeo advert. In fact even my choice was purely of the heart, if not for a few hints of rationality. Basically the question is: why buy such an old and in some ways polluting car? My first personal answer might be: because I was looking for an Alfa Romeo, not a car in general. There are also newer models like the Giulietta, but they were at least twice the price. So the obvious choice was an Alfa 159.
Now we’re talking…
Era un bel pomeriggio di sole del 31 ottobre 2023. Dopo pranzo mia moglie ha accompagnato me e nostro figlio alla stazioncina ferroviaria semi abbandonata da dove sarebbe partito il treno leggero che ci avrebbe portati nella cittadina dove avrei completato il passaggio di proprietà della mia “nuova” auto. In realtà l’auto ha 2 anni in più di quella che va a rimpiazzare. Ma è di categoria superiore ed è una di quelle scelte che si fanno quando a un certo punto decidi che si vive una volta sola e che certe soddisfazioni te le meriti pure. La tranquilla attesa al bar con mio figlio è benvenuta, aiuta a pregustare l’evento, una cosa che ormai pensavo sarebbe stata difficile da realizzare. Invece alcune vicissitudini hanno voluto che potessi (o forse dovessi) prendere in considerazione di comprare un’altra auto. Ho scoperto che potevo di nuovo accedere ad un piccolo credito ed ho trovato l’auto che desideravo. Dopo circa 3 anni una nuova Papalfa sarebbe entrata in famiglia..
Papalfa 2.0? Alfa Romeo and me
My relationship with Alfa Romeo began when I was a child born in the mid-1960s when it was customary to play with toy cars and imitate “grown-ups” driving a car. I do not consider myself a real car enthusiast in the strict sense and I have not had many Alfa’s, in fact, only one so far. But from an early age I was fond of the legendary Alfa Romeo models of my childhood. I was enchanted by the cars around town, I would ask my father what model they were and which one was the best. I still remember that back then my father thought that the Alfa Romeo Giulia was the best car in those days. And that was my imprinting. The Giulia was the car of the police force and bad guys. The “cop” movies of the time were full of chases between Alfa Romeos. Their performance, the road holding in particular, was legendary.
I should say Bravo to myself… ;-)
I’ve been playing guitar since I was very young and some sense of rhythm I should have by now. If we extend the concept to everyday life, I see it a bit as a matter of being able to adapt to situations based on what is happening around and what our skills are. In short, being good at keeping the rhythm of life is definitely very useful. Sometimes I’ve been able to do it and adapt to unexpected changes, first and foremost the loss of my dream job. It’s no secret that I see the periods of my life marked by the cars used at that time. It may not be very poetic to tie memories to family cars but I have a whole section of this website dedicated to the subject. And the latest addition to the family bears the name of an award, as if to say that I have been …Bravo.
Adventures of a “Papalfa”
I had a dream. It was night and the headlights of a car illuminated a gate of a country house. It was as if I was looking at them sideways at their height, as if I were a child. I felt that feeling of security and warmth of going home with your family, a very positive feeling that was imprinted on me with that same image of the dream. The car headlights were round and chrome. There were four of them. In the middle was a V-shaped grille with a round logo on the top that always reminded me of a time when life was different, it had another, more natural rhythm. A time when when you were traveling or simply taking a ride you were untraceable and to call someone you had to look for a pay phone. It was also the most glorious period of the brand of that logo and I associate it with my childhood and a pre-digital period, with more human rhythms. It was the Alfa Romeo logo on a front panel typical of those years: Oo=V=oO.
Guidare un’Alfa Romeo
Let’s talk about futile things (come on, we’re on vacation!). I’ll also state in advance that I’m not a car fanatic, someone who polishes it every day and is afraid to leave it in the parking lot. I do, however, enjoy driving – and I need a car. Since it costs a lot of money to buy and maintain it, at least I try to have a car that gives me a pleasant feeling when I drive it – and I’m not just talking about performance. A car can be much more than just a tool, sometimes a necessary one. It is the synthesis of technology and design, for many it is a status symbol. Certainly not for me. I look for something else in a car.